Monday, April 28, 2008

I cannot wait for..

yeay!!...exam is over..for now at not really sure about them...i answered them quite ok but answering is just one part of it, answering correctly is another Sara always said " farhan kan slalu overconfident"wahaha...

lets bygone be I cant wait for my friend to come from msia ..he said he's gonna stay here for approx 3 weeks...yeay...finally got a guy friend that i can do activities offence to my are all fun to be with but how can i shop with girls?? u'll be in lady's area n i??, alone in the guys area...esp when u're shopping for's not like u're gonna let me see u put them on n judge...=)

Ive already done my monthly budget since i think i need to limit my expense for BAli trip...
cant wait for that too...
rent, internet, electric bills, books and photocopy, debts, laundry, regular shopping, groceries, EAT!!

can't wait for final test to over
cant wait for year break
cant wait for starting third year
cant wait to have a beloved someone
cant wait to love and be loved..wahahahaha

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