Thursday, June 14, 2007


i was dreaming of gettin' 4 for this sem but when the exam time came, i jz hoped tht i passed all the tests..all of em r frigging hard for cryin' out loud
these are several awards given to several subjects n the reasons
microbiology- peculiar test award (for the lab test , we r given about 30sec for each station to read the info bout thingstht we've never heard bout n later answer the questions) hello..we all dnt hav photographic memory!!!!
parasitology- happy moment termination award( when pple relishing the moment they tikced the last answer, the lecturer ruined the happy moment by announcing UTS result--fr sure the marks suck
anatomy-despair award( there are abt 60 qustion but only few of the questions r understandable--tht doesnt mean we could answer the few questions..even medic students dnt know the answers..we feel hopeless plus when UTS result tht only one lucky student didnt flunk the test

biochem n histology didnt win any awrds..hopt they try harder nest year by making unusual, weird things during exam
these r the subjects for the 1st looking forward to seeing wht the following tests will bring..
i cnt wait to take remedials at the same time cnt wait to fonosh this tormenting exam weeks..=(