Friday, November 07, 2008

Am i unlucky or I'm just not lucky?

A lot of things happened today...I had to go to BAndung town to have my tooth x-rayed. when i went there, they were on a lunch make it worse, since it was friday, they got 2 hours I had to wait and wait till i realised I dnt have the reference letter with me. So going there would be a total moo point.
How could i forget bout it when the whole point of going to bandung was to do that!!!!I felt so stupid...But then again, it was an honest mistake coz I was in rush and had just finished asnwering 103 tricky questions of MDE paper.
actually, i could've told them which tooth to be radiographed...i'm a dentistry student for crying out we need all the formalities?, my dental treatment has been delayed for 2 weeks..all because of that frigging x-ray that I couldnt do asap coz i was in the middle of exam week...and now the dentist said there is food impaction and my gum is swollen...this is just great!!

and what did he do??gimme floss!! comment on that..

Alas, I went to the Roger's to have my legs waxed..and to make my day more eventful, they had limited tools,, so I had to wait for the customer in-serve to finish, then it'd b my turn. Apparently, my precious time is meant for waiting!!

To kill time, i went to the factory outlets store(Episode)..i didnt plan to shop but a miser I am as claimed by WC, I bought 2 items.see.. Im not really a a matter of fact, I'm not at very extravagant.I bought myself a tee and a boxers.
and I did it again, I didnt bring my member card..thus no 10% discount..

So a conclusion that i could draw from it:

chief complaint: didnt get to x-ray and didnt get discount
anamnesis: didnt bring reference letter and member card
intraoral examination : swollen gums
extraoral examination : waxed legs
diagnosis: DEMENTIA
treatment: ???anyone knows??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
