During the lab, the girls asked all of us to have a dinner together at Paparons Pizza...Im not really a fan of pizzas but the togetherness tht counts...So, since it was already nighttime and i didn't plan to stay long, took out something shabby from the rack n went out at 645pm...

we had dinner as usual till one of them excused herself n came back with these cute bear-shaped cakes...they are so cute...thanx for the cakes...

I knew my birthday is not till tomorrow, that's why it took me by surprise when there was a celebration tonite..usually, they would just sing "happy bday" in class, and people wishing hppy bday and so the awkward day passed by since the not-really-close people also came n there we go with the small talk.
there were 4 of us who were born in September, me(10th),Wei may(4th), Sara(13th) and Sya(13th)

I'm happy because most of my close friends are there...(from left: ira, sureen, hema, me)

and thanks for the presents....I really like the sweater..I straight away tried it on when I got home..thanks Iqa n Fiqah..suka sangat!!tahu2 jer saiz aku..of course la "S"...lalalalala

and the ratatouille keychain is cute..thanks Gee...kepada gee" aku tgk tikus gediks ni, insyaAllah aku teringatkan mu..gelagat pun lebih kurang dah"hehehe

lastly, thanks for those who came...you made my day...and so, I called it a night...zzzzz
eh, havent read for case presentation tomorrow...Dammit!!