the biggest gratitude to Sara.What a very thoughtful gift especially when she bought it back in Malaysia about a month ago or so. and it's quite pricey for a student...*tears of joy and removed shedding*

and this is actually the first time my birthday is celebrated...and as for gifts, this is the second time I got gifts other than last year coz my family dont really celebrate birthdays...So, all the wishes and presents kinda new to me and i have to say tht I like getting presents...wahaha...well, who doesn't...
Now I'm officially 21 years old...
I'm fully fledged to enter the clubs
i can vote for election
mmm..what else...most htings are already legit for me when i turned 18...
i once told my dad that when I turned 21, I''m off his grip and able to do things as I like...and he retorted" tengkorak kao!!"
hehehe...it's not like i want to do drastical changes..im still the old me=)
1 comment:
wth farhan!i SO DO NOT look like that!!!!!! *protest mode*
Oh, so sara is the most thoughtful eh? pricey, all the way from malaysia... well, what are you waiting then? ;p
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