right after that, I went to the mall, grabbed a bite, and window shopping while waiting for the cinema to open...went for karaoke and sang a few songs....I'm still with my oldies malay sentimental songs..Kehebatan Cinta and "Rindu Bayangan"...
then we watched "kungfu Panda"..n it was FUNNY!!big time FUNNY, ok!!in each minute, there is a funny part...It's like u havent finished yr laugh on the previous joke, another joke already ensuing..
after that, I still felt like watching more movies, so Hema n i bought a couple of dvd's and watched it at her place...we watched Jack and Jill by Freddie Prince Junior...he's gotten fat....well, not fat actually, more loaded tht before, look at the x-tra baggage under the chin...whachamacallit??


but he's still as good-looking as before....but the movie is so sluggish and boring..it's just that we've watched half way, so we'd like to know how it ends...
then we watched Oxford Murder, really mind-tricking...a really heavy movie and need you to think along as the movie goes on...the protagonist trying to use logic and mathematical logarithm to solve the murders..and some other senses of philosophy and stuff too... my mind that was supposed to be at ease after exam, somehow was forced to think and made me more stressed..ish3
then we watched a movie by Ben affleck..not sure the tittle...it was nice too...
So basically, today, it's all about movies..
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