exam is over...n now I'm liberated...yay!! =)
so what to do next...i still got about ten days before my real cathartic getaway at BAli n next to MAlaysia...
1.BUild my body!!
So, I figured that I'd shape up my body since of course would be strutting around in BAli shirtless....what do you expect?
I planned to go to gym..but i wanna save some money and wanna squander it all on stupid stuff at Bali later...
I don't wanna be too buffed or meaty...i just wanna have a slim lean fit body..i know to get that is not easy...u have to lift light weights with much frequency rather than lift heavy weights a couple of times...if not you'd get one big body like Arnold Schwarzenager... n that is so NOT what I want...I prefer being skinny than being that kind of LUMP!!

So, since I'm a shy person who rather being cut into pieces than going out n jog alone, then regular exercise in my room would do...n of course good result don't come so fast...n if i try to have drastic change on my body, I'm sure there will be some drawbacks...
Then what about the ten days due period??naa...screw it...life long effect is better than transient good that will loom shit(cellulites..NO!!!!!) later..ALl I need is confidence....just stroll this awkward looking body at the beach..huhu
2. remove all the excess hair
I've got my granpa's indian trait...So my body can be said kinda hairy...So i just wanna get rid all of those...yup...waxing is the way...It hurts but it pays off, u know..I love the smooth surface when I graze my finger thru*TUTT*TUTT*TUTT*haha...my chest la..
I also sometimes pluck my beard..coz when u shave it'll provoke it to grow thicker..so plucking helps reducing it.
I was thinking of getting a haircut...but, i always want to try having long hair...so I'd just let this one grow...n later with long hair, I can have any new hairdo that i want..perhaps this kind...looks good on him..would it look great on me??we shall see...

3. get all the dental treatments
I have ulcer like i mentioned in the previous-previous post...it subsides gradually but I need a medication to fasten the process....and I need to fill any of my teeth that got caries...
y now?? because in Indonesia, we got this panel clinic that all treatments are totally covered by my beloved sponsor...so better fill 'em here before going back to Malaysia..
4. Comics
This one is not a rush...It's just one of the ways to help you killing time ..There's a comic store nearby my place..(walking distance)..n to read a comic there only rp500/rm0.20 and renting it to bring back home for two days is just twice that price...THAT is one of the things I like in Indonesia...
5. room cleaning
exam really hinders me to do anything...not that I study much but "the guilt", remember i told you
So, I need to spruce it up before leaving it unattended for 2 months..would I follow ezwan's ways of cleaning floor?
I doubt so....
strange thing is, albeit my stay here in Indonesia to study but I really have nothing much related to studies..I dont even have a study table for god's sake...no book rack...nothing...and instead, I have a super-single sized bed, 3 door cupboard, a refrigerator, water dispenser, weight scale, shoe racks and perhaps some other stuff I miss mentioning...*sigh*
and my motorcycle needs a cleaning too...just gonna send it to the shop....MALAS BANGAT!!the water faucet at the outside too far away...=)*excuse*
and what else??I cant remember things I want to do now...so will update if there is any miss...
omg farhan! i haven even started worrying about my hair and losing weight and gaining cellulites all that shit and here you are bloggging about it already??? eh wait, i did agonise over my hair.
still?????? i can't wait to hear all about ur Bali escapades with almost-there body and waxed-out-smooth-*ahem ahem*-chest-la-what-you-think.
omg farhan.. body aku sebijik cam gambar ke-2 ko tuh.. haha..
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