Me being me in this exam time, killing the time by checking the hotels at places that I wish to go in the future..namely are Dubai UAE, Istanbul Turkey, Phuket Thailand, Alcapunco Mexico, Milan Italy, Seoul Korea and Paris..
At first I wanted to go to London and Us but after i saw the hotels and the places, i think they are so OVERRAted..
Take a look at this hotel interior view of several tht i got from this site...they are ok, quaint and exclusive but that's it..NO KEZUTAANNN...I expected more from these developed countries.
above:Royal Lancester, London
below: Loews Santa, LA
developing countries on the other hand have unique, individualized interior design...on the contrary, they look more modern to me...
left:Raffles Dubai
right above: dusit thani laguna beach phuket
right below: las briscas acapulco
and if u're going for higher prices, at least be "worth it" these
above :Raffles Dubai
below : Marmara Istanbul
below, Grand Millenium, Kl
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